Wednesday, January 20, 2016

The Reason For My Absence

Hello to ALL of  my beautiful people, It's no secret that I've not been on my blog talking to you guys in a month. But there were two issues, two personal issues that had my undivided attention. But I just want to let all of you know that there was not a moment that I did not think about each and every one of you guys.

The first issue that I want to talk about is about my amazing mother, she's truly my hero and best friend. My mother has a lot of health problems and in early November, She told me that she was going to have gallbladder surgery, My heart instantly dropped, I was more worry for her than anything in the world. I felt that I needed to be there for her as many times as she was there for me. The night before her surgery, I was nervous for her, I had a huge pit in my stomach, I tossed and turned in my bed the whole entire. But I remember reading a verse in the Bible, Psalm 118:17 to be exact and I had this overwhelming sense of peace that came over me, She had her and she did absolutely beautifully, I'm so glad that she is okay and healthy,

The second reason that I have not been on the blog is: I am changing Universities. I'm a big,firm believer of finishing what you start, I went to a community college and earned my Associate's degree and I thought the university that I was transferring to was going to be a great fit for me, But it turned out to be a huge disappointment to what I envision, I was not happy going there every single day and not being happy. I told my mother and a few close friends about my decision of changing universities, and I was surprised when they agreed with me. To know that my family and friends supported me in this gutsy and scary move in my life made me realized that I have to make decisions in my life that will keep me and only me happy, I will be starting at my new college in the Summer of 2016, And I'm beyond excited to take you guys along this journey with me.

In 2016, I hope that I can build this blog up into something I've always wanted it to be, I would love to going to local fashion events and meet other local fashion bloggers like myself. I hope to build relationships with people in the fashion industry and gain experiences that will only help me in the long run in the fashion industry, But must important than that, I hope to build a better relationship with all of you, You guys mean the absolute world to me. It's because of you all that I get to do this and I hope that I can give you the same amount of joy that you guys have given to me, It's will be three years this February since I started this journey of fashion blogging life.

Well I hope that you enjoyed this very long and overdue blog post. I love you all so much. Until Next Time, Stay Beautiful.

My Social Media

I also have a e-mail address that goes with this blog, If you want to contact me for fashion events, collaborations, or business ventures, My blog e-mail is Thanks again so much for reading this blog.